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a new job and the need for some motivation
unloaded on August 17, 2003 @ 10:11 PM

why hello all! it's been forever. i had mentioned a while ago that i was interviewing for a new job at work that would be a ton more money for me. well, as expected, i didn't get the job. another woman i work with got it...she is the bosses pet and it is rumored that they have an affair going on. once i found out she had applied, i knew i wouldn't get it. she is completely incompetent and everyone is really upset she got the position but i am not too bothered by it. i did still get a promotion as her management position is now available, so i will have a staff and get some more money. i am excited, i definitely needed a change at work. i had absolutely zero motivation left to do what i had been doing for the past 4 1/2 years. it will be really good management experience too and help me advance even further in the company.

and now i am on vacation!! woohoo! i have this whole week off but i need to get training seriously. i had been slacking with being sick and then finishing my race so now it's time to get back on track. there is an olympic distance race this coming sunday that i want to register for but am sort of hesitating on. it is twice as long as my last one so it's a 1 mile swim, 25 mile bike and 6.2 mile run. it should be very doable but i am a bit concerned about the swim and somewhat worried about the run. the swim will be long, but i have done the distance, only in a pool and not open water. i did get my wetsuit this past week though so that should really help and speed up my time. i am worried about the run because i am still having problems with my iliotibial band and it usually starts to act up around 5 miles. i am going to go for a 50 mile bike ride tomorrow and a 3 mile run and see how i feel. if all goes well i will feel comfortable enough to drop the $55 on the race. i know i can do the distance, i've done it, i'm just worried because i haven't been very disciplined lately. i need a coach!!!

i went to my cousin's wedding last night which was nice. i didn't really know anyone so it wasn't great but i always enjoy a wedding. i always imagine the day i can do it with the man i love and how amazing it will be. too bad i can't really get married to a man yet!!!

oh well, i gotta get to bed soon to make sure i am rested up enough to move my ass tomorrow. goodnight!

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